Friday, July 30, 2010

And one more: Democrat lies and desperation

“We have no intention of allowing the Republican tax increase — that their policies would lead to — to go into effect for working Americans. Period,” he said. “We’re going to act and make sure that the Republican phase out and increase in taxes does not end as they provided for in the laws they passed.”

Catch that, puddin' slurping rethuglikkkan scum? Your evil plan to increase taxes will not succeed as long as Steny 'Fiscal Hawk' Hoyer is standing in your way.
Yes, they really think you are this stupid.
Yes, the Democrats letting the Bush tax cuts expire is a 'Republican Tax Increase'. Yeah. Sure.

From Ace's comments:
53 I think NOW would be a good time to remind people that the ONLY reason those tax cuts are sunsetting is because Democrats filibustered making them permanent in the first place.

Republicans had to pass the tax cuts through reconciliation as a budget measure which means that they had to sunset per the rules of reconciliation because Democrats refused to even make them IN THE FIRST PLACE.

So yeah, let's TALK about the sunsetting of those tax cuts. I, for one, WELCOME, the discussion

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