Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wow, I wonder why they'd do that...

Late Wednesday night, the FAA created a "no-fly zone" over a large area in the Gulf in order to, uhm, secure the safety of cleanup workers or something.
and add to that,
Update: In the comments, GulfCoastBamaFan observes that the GIS (Geographical Information System) data related to the spill is now unavailable:

Damn, almost like they don't want people to know about something


  1. Actually, it really is to protect any aerial efforts for things like spreading dispersants, mapping the spill, and so forth. If you read the TFR notice, it's only effective from the surface to 3000 feet, and doesn't include airspace outside of 12 nautical miles from the coast. So anybody wanting to take a look can fly over a little higher (3500 - 4500 feet) and take a look. At those altitudes, you can still get a very good view.

    The FAA does this type of TFR all the time for various ground-based incidents that will use both aerial responders and attract sightseers - things like floods, forest fires, and so forth. I don't see anything the least bit unusual about this one.

  2. @rritter's comment takes the edge off this, a bit.   Anyone interested in viewing those 'TFR' notices can find them here:

  3. True. I guess there's been so much 'cover it up' stuff for so long, I automatically assume the worst.
