Friday, June 11, 2010

Well, Anthony Malkin, you suck.

You're a bigot and a dirtbag. Screw you.
The U.S. Marine Corps, like Mother Teresa, is being barred by the Empire State Building from starring in lights.

"We were rejected," said Gunnery Sgt. Alex Kitsakos of the Marines' public affairs office in midtown, who asked for the building to be lit scarlet and gold in 2008 on the Marines' Nov. 10 birthday.

"Of all the silly things they would consider lighting the building for, they wouldn't light it for the Marine Corps?" he asked. "Whoever it is that's running the building, they certainly could be making better decisions about who it is that they choose to honor."
Last fall they had no problem lighting up to celebrate a monstrous regime responsible for the murder of tens of millions. They also honored the Grateful Dead last year

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