Thursday, June 10, 2010

Socialists and corrupt cops and unions,

oh my!
Insty has links to the Chicago PD torture trial.

The moron O'Donnell calls for seizure of private assets. Gee, I wonder that THAT would do to the economy?
Oh, she doesn't like Jews, either. Big surprise.

The radical activist group ACORN “works” for the Democratic Party and deliberately promotes election fraud, ACORN employees told FBI investigators, according to an FBI document dump Wednesday.

The documents obtained by Judicial Watch, a watchdog group, are FBI investigators’ reports related to the 2007 investigation and arrest of eight St. Louis, Mo., workers from ACORN’s Project Vote affiliate for violation of election laws. All eight employees involved in the scandal later pleaded guilty to voter registration fraud.

Project Vote is ACORN’s voter registration arm. Project Vote continues to operate despite the reported dissolution of the national structure of ACORN.

The handwritten reports by FBI agents show that ACORN employees reported numerous irregularities in the nonprofit group’s business practices.

One employee told the FBI that ACORN headquarters is “wkg [working] for the Democratic Party.”

One reason I have so little regard for a lot of 'feminists': anyone who doesn't agree with them on EVERYTHING can't possibly be a feminist. According to them.

That 'poor kid' killed by the Border Patrol agent? Not such a 'poor' or 'kid' either one:
It turns out he a known human smuggler and on a Border Patrol Most Wanted list.
And just to demonstrate what regard the Mexican authorities have for the border,
A U.S. official told the Associated Press that video of the incident shows the Border Patrol agent did not enter Mexico.

The unidentified official said the video also shows what seem to be four Mexican law enforcement officers driving to the edge of the muddy bed of the Rio Grande, walking across to the U.S. side, picking up an undetermined object and returning to Mexico near the area where the boy's body lay. Like their U.S. counterparts, Mexican law officers are not authorized to cross the border without permission

That Catholic Church official murdered in Turkey?
Altun, who had been suffering from mental health problems according to reports, allegedly beheaded the 63-year-old Italian bishop at his summer house in a Mediterranean seaside town near Iskenderun in southern Turkey.

He told police that he had had a "divine revelation" instructing him to kill the bishop, reports said
But don't worry, nothing to do with the religion of peace:
During a visit to Cyprus at the end of last week, the Pope said the alleged murder was "certainly not a political or religious murder but rather a personal affair."
Uh huh. I wonder if the reports of 'mental health problems' have any confirmation? Or are they an excuse?

In a considerably less upsetting matter, a new satellite is studying the sun. Cool pictures at the site.

I read once that the Queen told somebody she would hold on as long as it takes for one of the grandkids to inherit the throne and she did not want Charles to become King; I hope she can do it.

Why the Taliban fits in the category of People Who Look Better Dead. I mean, it takes some kind of very special dirtbagginess to hang a 7yoa kid. For 'spying', yet.

And in the heading of "Jerks with Badges",
Lackawanna County Commissioners have approved an ordinance banning "unlicensed" guns in county parks. Disregarding for a moment that PA has state gun law preemption, that it requires no licenses to own a gun (only permits to carry concealed), and that open carry is legal, Sheriff John Szymanski promises " to challenge the new rule - arguing the county should make it more strict."

"We don't allow firearms in the park," said Mr. Szymanski, whose department oversees law enforcement of county parks. "It's a public facility, and if you walk around with a gun, you're going to intimidate a lot of people. Our position is we're not allowing it and we're going to ask for clarification on that point."

Wonder how much you'll cost the country if your deputies arrest someone and they sue your ass off?

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