Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The other day, when I wrote of all the connections

among people who stand to profit(money or power)in screwing up our energy situation, here's one of the kind of things noted:
Tony Podesta is in the news because he lobbies for BP, public enemy No. 1 in President Obama’s Washington after a BP-rented oil rig blew up and started gushing oil into the Gulf of Mexico 63 days ago.

Podesta and his wife Heather aren’t just any lobbyists. Tony’s brother John — who now heads the liberal think tank Center for American Progress — led Obama’s transition team and has been dubbed the “shadow president” because of his close ties to the White House. Tony and Heather Podesta each have visited the White House seven times, according to public visitor logs
As I recall, that think tank was either started by or is mostly funded by Soros.

I would like someone to print out a whole lot of the climate change 'You're full of crap' that's come out at Watts Up, and staple it to the foreheads of Lieberman and Kerry and a bunch of other people. As a start. Call it a preamble to the tar. These people want to destroy our economy and lives in the name of 'climate change' ideology that is bullshit.

"Does Obama want to be President?" I think he's finding it a lot less fun than he'd thought: people won't kiss his ass, they won't do whatever he proclaims(even with our in-the-tank major media, some of whom are real open about what they're doing), his Lightworker image has so much tarnish it'd need a squad with a pound of Flitz to try to shine it up... good chance he's thinking "I don't know if I want to do this anymore" about now.

The failure of Brazil’s Iranian venture does not mean that the United States does not have a Brazil, and more broadly a Latin America, problem. Brazil’s foreign minister, Celso Amorim, makes no bones about who is to blame for Brazil’s diplomatic embarrassment: the Obama administration. According to Amorim, the US had encouraged Brazil’s initiative, only to slap it down when it succeeded. That is possible; it is possible that Brazilian diplomats misinterpreted the signals from the US. It is also possible that the Brazilians are reaching desperately for a fig leaf, and blaming the mess on the United States is always an appealing alternative.
It wouldn't surprise me of Obama & Co. effed this up; they seem very good at backstabbing. On the other hand it could simply be that a whole bunch of countries said something like "You WANT Iran to have nukes? Are you out of your mind?" And they realized how stupid the move was.

More information on the clowns the unions are playing with to try and screw with ships from Israel; wonderful people.
This morning’s protest was co-organized by Paul Larudee (paste this URL into a browser window: http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2010/06/20/18651338.php — incoming links to Indybay are disabled), one of the very people who was on the Gaza flotilla itself, and who was given a hero’s welcome upon his return to the Bay Area from a short stint in an Israeli jail. But again, you’re not supposed to know that.

Meanwhile, Yasser Kashlak, a Syrian businessman of Palestinian descent who heads the “Free Palestine Organization” and is funding this boat, as well as another that is to carry journalists and parliamentarians, said over the weekend on Hizbullah’s al-Manar television station that he was more and more optimistic that one day these same boats would take “Europe’s refuse [the Jews] that came to my homeland back to their homelands.

“Gilad Schalit should go back to Paris and those murderers go back to Poland, and after that we will chase them until the ends of the earth to bring them to justice for their acts of slaughter from Deir Yassin until today.” Kashlak, a fervent Hizbullah supporter, called Israel a “rabid dog sent to the region to frighten the Arabs. He said he had a message for Israelis: ‘Get on the ships we are sending you and go back to your lands. Don’t let the moderate Arab leaders delude you, [you] cannot make peace with us. Our children will return to Palestine, you have no reason for coexistence. Even if our leaders will sign a peace agreement, we will not sign.’”

And that concludes my efforts for the morning.

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