Sunday, June 13, 2010

On this voter intimidation case, the fix is in;

problem is, thanks to the new media, people are actually finding out about it. Crap like this:
After sending the response, Coates and Robert Popper met with Rosenbaum and the then acting assistant attorney general for civil rights, Loretta King. People familiar with the discussions describe “two days of shouting.” The trial team now knew that DoJ political appointees were serious about undermining the case by using whatever arguments they could dream up, including First Amendment concerns. The team prepared a detailed memo dated May 6 explaining the factual and legal basis for the case. In 13 pages, the attorneys meticulously analyzed the law and the facts and rebutted any notion that the First Amendment could insulate the Panthers. The memo made clear that Rosenbaum’s and King’s arguments for dismissing the case were spurious. Rosenbaum and King, for example, argued that legal precedent involving protestors at abortion clinics would undermine the case. The trial team pointed out, however, that these cases were either inapplicable or actually supported the issuance of an injunction when there was a significant government interest (such as the protection of voting rights) at stake.
The arguments continued after the May 6 memo was submitted. During one meeting in a conference room on the 5th floor of the Main Justice building, Coates became so exasperated he threw the memo at Rosenbaum who had admitted not reading the trial team’s detailed briefing on the issues.
Basically, "I don't have to read your brief, I don't want to be confused with facts!"
Really ought to read it all, this crap is important.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Next election (if possible), take your sidearm with out. Hang around (unobtrusively) for a little while when you're finished voting. Stop any idiots fro minterfering with others right to vote.

    B Woodman
