Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Now that I know Security Staff(Trainee) isn'g going to bite me,

I can get back to normal stuff. Y'see, he made a trip to the vet today to be fixed. "Boss! You left me here with those people! They DID THINGS to me! Take me home!!" Which I did, where SS(Senior) proceeded to sniff him up, down and sideways to make sure of things. He's settled back in("Keep him quiet until tomorrow", yeah, right), had a bit to eat and drank half the tub. If he's sore, you can't tell.

Back to business: like
A cross examination of global warming science conducted by the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Law and Economics has concluded that virtually every claim advanced by global warming proponents fail to stand up to scrutiny.

He found that the climate establishment does not follow the scientific method. Instead, it “seems overall to comprise an effort to marshal evidence in favor of a predetermined policy preference.”

The cross-examination, carried out by Jason Scott Johnston, Professor and Director of the Program on Law, Environment and Economy at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, found that “on virtually every major issue in climate change science, the [reports of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] and other summarizing work by leading climate establishment scientists have adopted various rhetorical strategies that seem to systematically conceal or minimize what appear to be fundamental scientific uncertainties or even disagreements.”
Gee, isn't that amazing?

Speaking of dirtbag politicians & lawyers,'s come out that not only did Corbett want Twitter to out two of its users for political speech, he wanted to ensure that Twitter never let those users—or anyone else—know they'd been outed. According to a new report in the Philadelphia Bulletin, "the subpoena of Twitter also contained a cover letter asking Twitter not to disclose the action and, if it planned to do so, to contact a deputy attorney general, so the state could seek a court order to prohibit Twitter from revealing the organization had been subpoenaed." So before telling anyone about the order, they were instructed to tell the AG's office so that the AG could attempt to legally bar them from telling anyone about the order.

On idiots acting against their own interests in the name of 'progressive' politics(and Jew hatred),
The latest evidence we have comes from Madrid where the >organizers of the Gay Pride parade disinvited Israeli participants
. . . in the wake of the Gaza flotilla incident, the organizers of the Madrid parade folded quickly to pressure to get rid of the Israeli participants.

Before the invitation was officially withdrawn, it was reportedly “hinted” to the Israelis that their participation in the event would be an “embarrassment” and would mean the additional expense of increased security. When the Israelis failed to take the hint and voluntarily stay home, the axe fell on them.
No matter that Israel is, of nations in the Mideast, the most tolerant of gay people. No matter that the flotilla was sponsored in large part by terrorist organizations which advocate the execution of gay people. No matter that gay people face persecution in the terrorist-run enclave of Gaza.

It will be interesting to see what (if any) gay organizations condemn this exclusion and commend Israel for its policies protecting gay people and allowing our fellows in the Jewish State to live openly and celebrate publicly

A look at the problems old media is having with new, and a hearty "Bullshit!" to the clowns claiming they didn't know Helen was like that, "New to me" and so forth.
This is the creature Tommy Christopher professes to have “admired for years,” and respects for “setting an example for the Bush-era press corps,” which Christopher hilariously thinks “gave W. a years-long pass after 9/11.” Sorry, Tommy. Anyone more observant than the average member of the Washington press corps heard nothing surprising out of Helen Thomas this past week.

The old media hands waving farewell with copies of their dying newspapers, as they watch Helen Thomas shuffle off the national stage, must adjust to the new reality of an online America that no longer trusts them. We’re not interested in gatekeepers and packaged narratives any more. We believe in the importance of an honest media that simply reports the news and allows us to make up our own minds. We’re out of patience with blackouts and doctored photographs

Bill Clinton once again demonstrates he's got some serious nerve(and lack of ethics), and so does John McCain. Screw both of them.

And Lileks takes a look at some "The world would be better off without us" clowns(It should be noted that we'd all be better off without some of them).
This latter is connected to something I've been working on(no, not a new rifle), but it's not quite ready yet. Should have it tomorrow(how's that for setting up the suspense?)

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