Saturday, June 05, 2010

It's hot outside still, so I'm going to sit here and browse through some things

A bit more on the disgusting journalist Helen Thomas.

Women can use the men's room, but don't you DARE try to use the ladies' room; it's not FAIR!

AG Eric Holder, still full of crap. And playing the victim game.

There's a guy named Larry Richter running for office in SC, and he's apparently a first-class asshole.

The Tiananmen Square Massacre, twenty-one years ago.

Ah, but Israel is an "apartheid state", and the Palestinians are the Europeans' unending adopt-a-Third-World-pet project. I write in the new National Review (on sale now-ish) that, if old-school judenhass was a by-product of more or less traditional racism and conventional nationalism, the new judenhass advances under the cover of "anti-racism" and "multiculturalism". The oldest hatred didn't get that way without the ability to adapt.

More on the wonders of socialized medicine:
Millions of patients face losing NHS care as bosses prepare to axe treatments to make £20billion of savings by 2014, a top doctor has warned.

Among procedures being targeted by health trusts are hernias, joint replacements, ear and nose procedures, varicose veins and cataract surgery.

Dr Mark Porter, chairman of the British Medical Association’s consultants committee, warned NHS bosses wanted ‘wholesale reductions in budgets’.

He said primary care trusts – which commission care – are already compiling lists of ‘low value’ operations that would no longer be provided

And now, I think I'll go out back and scratch dog ears.

1 comment:

  1. Keith7:12 AM

    Ah yes, the NHS, doing what all bureaucracies do:

    Cut the services to preserve the pen pushers.

    One solution, Sell it.
