Sunday, June 06, 2010

Hey, Sen. McCain: if you think pretending to support people like me now

is going to make me forget you crapping all over us in the recent past, you're nuts.
Reporters speculated on Meet the Press on Sunday that McCain wants to make amends with conservatives well before he officially announces his candidacy for president next year. So can he convince people he is still sufficiently conservative?

Let’s consider just one of these issues: McCain’s claimed pro-gun record. This was true a decade ago, but since then, on issues such as regulating gun shows, banning less expensive guns and so-called assault weapons, and requiring gunlocks, McCain has supported central portions of the gun-control agenda. Indeed, in a couple cases, McCain authored the proposed legislation himself.
You've had multiple chances, John. And the last time you were so busy playing 'hands across the aisle' that you couldn't be bothered to actually RUN because doing so might upset 'moderates' like your idiot adviser who said "If you bring up these things about Obama, I'll quit!" The proper response to that would have been "Don't let the door hit you on the way out", but nooooo, you caved.

And now we're supposed to believe and trust you? Bullcrap. And take that idiot 'progressive Republican' daughter with you when you go.


  1. John McCain is seriously pondering yet _another_ run for the Presidency.   AGAIN?   After blowing it BIGTIME in 2008?   WTF?  
    OK, that makes it official, we have definitely entered the Twilight Zone...
    Holy Crap!

  2. Opps!   OK, now I realize Lott's piece is dated: May 17, 2006.
    I stand by my 'Twilight Zone' mention, anyway!   ;-(

  3. That article is; it was linked by a piece I saw that noted McCain IS thinking of running for President again. Which, of course, I can't find right now.
