Monday, June 21, 2010

From what I've heard, if you have ever flown,

you'll appreciate this:
"Wait, what? TSA employees are picketing? That's like being picketed by your own body lice. If we just refuse their demands will they go on strike forever? Please?

I've seen some of these people: There's nothing but a pair of blue nitrile gloves between them and a lifetime of permanent frycookery and mop jockeying. They should be thankful that the government has dreamed up a bogus makework program for them that pays them far better for probulating their fellow citizens than they'd ever make puzzling out the pictograms on the french fry machine in the service of which they were otherwise destined to spend their days.

And they have the unmitigated gall to ask for more? Look, I don't want them here in the first place. They need to just shut up and get back to "work"."

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