Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Civil rights? Bloomberg and Lautenberg only consider those important

if they're rights they approve of; otherwise, screw you:
Being spectacularly wrong in his suspicion that the attempted Times Square SUV bomb was the work of Americans mad about the health care bill, New York Mayor and anti-gun (unless they're held by his taxpayer-funded bodyguards) zealot Michael R. Bloomberg will continue his personal vendetta against domestic freedom today on Capitol Hill. Per The Huffington Post (but curiously, not too many other media sources—it's almost like they're trying to keep awareness low key):

Bloomberg is upset about a federal loophole that, amazingly enough, allows people on the FBI's Terrorist Watchlist to legally buy guns and explosives.

Amazing is right. He wants a fundamental right denied to people who have neither been charged with, tried nor convicted of any crime. And when is this pathological control freak not upset?...
Here's some summary analysis, from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership:

In general, this bill would amend the Gun Control Act (GCA) to grant the Attorney General the discretionary authority to deny a firearm transfer or state-issued firearms permit to any prospective transferee or permittee through Brady background checks...

The bill would also amend the GCA provision (18 U.S.C. § 922(g)) that enumerates several classes of persons who are prohibited from shipping, transporting, possessing, or receiving a firearm or ammunition...

So not only can't someone purchase guns and ammo, they can't possess them? What will they do if they know you already own some?

But, hey, there's legal recourse if you feel you've been wronged (and why would nayone denied a basic right without benefit of due process feel that?). Thing is, and this is key:
The proposed amendment would also allow the court to rely upon summaries or redacted versions of documents underlying those determinations, if those documents contained information that could compromise national security...

At least the Salem witches got a trial, could face their accusers, and hear all the "evidence" against them. And while there is a provision for "ex parte and in camera" review (by the court—the defense isn't specified) "[t]he court shall not consider the full, undisclosed documents in deciding whether the Attorney General’s determination satisfies the requirements of section 922A or 922B."

So you can be put on the 'terrorist watch list' or the 'no-fly list' with no notice, with no evidence, AND from what I've read it's damn near impossible to find out if you're on it OR get yourself taken off it if you do find out, and based on that you should be banned from owning firearms...

Yeah, this would make Nanny Bloomberg and Dirtbag Lautenberg and 'Shroud' McCarthy wet their collective pants.

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