Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Starting the day(ok, almost) with "Another reason why if the Stupid Party chooses Romney,

the national leadership should all be dragged into the street and flogged.
I was one of the first in line to the book signing, and when my turn came I asked Gov. Romney if I could ask him a question. After he told me that this was OK, I posed the following question to him:

“You have stated your intention to spearhead the effort to repeal the ‘worst aspects’ of Obamacare, does this include the repeal of the individual mandate and pre-existing exclusion?”

The Governor’s answer:


So. Romney has had no problem trashing the 2nd Amendment, thinks the MA version of Obamacare is a great idea and
Remember Romney said in an '08 debate
I like mandates. The mandates work.
And he really likes the idea of ordering people to do what he's decided 'is for their own good'. Screw Romney, and screw every moron in the RNC who pushes him.

Gee, I wonder whatRangel was paying that fine over?

Sen. Lindsey Graham(RINO Moron) REALLY wants to screw the economy:
Next week Lindsey Graham will push the biggest tax on the American public in the nation’s history. Graham, along with fellow progressives John Kerry and Joe Lieberman, are going to push their cap and trade bill in the US Senate. The bill will cause electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket and will bankrupt the coal industry. The state-run media is already pushing the junk science in anticipation of the upcoming debate in the senate.

A good question: we heard lots about the OKC bombing yesterday;
How come all the talking heads on TV and the radio all they had to talk about was Waco and Oklahoma City and not a effing one of them mentioned it was the anniversary of the BIRTH OF AMERICA AS A FREE COUNTRY?
Probably because so many of the talking heads and pretend reporters really don't like reporting on good things about America in general, let alone the start of our successful rebellion against Britain.

And a bit more on the moral standing of Bill Clinton; this is downright explosive, and Clinton must've blown a gasket when he heard it.

By the way, Mr. Clinton, we know what you did, just as we know what you are:
Professor Stone’s report is measured, careful and damning. It is hard to know whether Heymann’s courage in commissioning it was a reason for his subsequent departure from the Justice Department. In the mean time, questions about the performance of the Justice Department are treated by the Clinton administration not as serious allegations of criminal activity, but as little more than a below-the-belt salvo in the culture wars.

I was shocked to read in Stone’s report that the Justice Department had undertaken, and had defended in the press as such, activities which if conducted in wartime would constitute war crimes. Because exposing the children to CS gas was the point of the FBI exercise: no children exposed, no pressure
Lectures on morality and 'watching what we say' we do not need from you, you lying statist bastard.

There's 'elites', and there's actual elites...

Well, the grass isn't really dry, but since there's more chance of rain the next few days it has to be cut anyway. And that's about all I can take right now, anyway.

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