Tuesday, April 06, 2010

So Obama's latest appeals court pick is not only a way-to-hell-out-there leftist,

he's got lots of stuff he's either ashamed of or just wants to hide as well.
We write regarding the voluminous supplement to Professor Goodwin Liu's Questionnaire that we received from the Justice Department today. The supplement lists numerous additional items that Professor Liu omitted from the Questionnaire he submitted to the Committee on February 24, 2010. These glaring omissions were provided only after Committee staff continued to locate other additional items not disclosed by the nominee. At best, this nominee's extraordinary disregard for the Committee's constitutional role demonstrates incompetence; at worst, it creates the impression that he knowingly attempted to hide his most controversial work from the Committee. Professor Liu's unwillingness to take seriously his obligation to complete these basic forms is potentially disqualifying and has placed his nomination in jeopardy.

In the weeks since we received Professor Liu's original Questionnaire, Committee staff has repeatedly discovered missing items, including: (1) Professor Liu's commencement speech to UC Berkeley Law; (2) his participation in a panel entitled "What the 2008 Election Will Mean for the Supreme Court"; (3) his participation in a presentation entitled "The Fate of Affirmative Action from the O'Connor Court to the Roberts Court"; (4) his participation in an event co-sponsored by La Raza and the Center for Social Justice at Berkeley entitled "Mendez v. Westminster: 1946--A California Look at Brown v. Board of Education"; and (5) his participation in a conference on school funding. In addition
and it goes on. And on, like with so many of the people Obama wants in positions of power.

The key point, I think, are that the number of documents Liu did not disclose -- 117 of them, as I understand it -- coupled with their controversial and non-obscure nature, make it highly likely that Liu was attempting to conceal the material. Liu surely understands, for example, that his radical positions on issues relating to race in general, and affirmative action in particular, are high on the list of those Senators will wish to explore. This makes it extremely difficult to believe that his failure to disclose much of this work was inadvertent.

Thus, the case against confirming Liu no longer rests solely on his leftist ideology and lack of experience, though these factors certainly constitute sufficient grounds to block him.
Damn right they do.

And you'll love the update they added:
UPDATE: Liu plainly has written and said much he would rather not have to explain to the Senate. For example, he believes that non-blacks owe "reparations" to the descendants of slaves. The debt is owed, according to Liu, not just by the descendants of slaveowners, but by the descendants of "everyone who inherits this nation." Does this mean that the debt is owed by the descendants of slaves to whom the reparations would be awarded, or did they not inherit this nation?

For Liu, the key question, which he asks several times in the two minute clip below, is what are "we" going to have to give up to "make things right." With any luck, the answer in Liu's case will be a seat on the Ninth Circuit

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