Friday, April 16, 2010

Sink expedient report and general bitching about the news

Well, it didn't seem right to call it field expedient, so. Bathroom sink was draining REALLY show, and I didn't want to go out in the rain and buy something, so tried an idea: ex once showed me a plastic snake for sinks, basically a flexible rod with hooks molded in it; push it down the drain and pull it back. Being cheap and wanting to stay dry, I cut a piece of weedeater line(.080" diameter), and used the knife to cut a series of notches on opposing sides, cutting so it formed barbs. Ran that end down the drain, worked it back & forth a bit and then dragged it and an amazing amount of crap out of the drain. It works much better now.

Now, the news:
Like this exemplary performance by Tampa Airport PD and TSA:
A security breach at Tampa International Airport was caused by a missing training device, according to airport spokeswoman Brenda Geoghagan.

The incident began about 1 p.m. Wednesday at the airport's Airside C terminal after an airport police training device was found to be missing, according to Transportation Security Administration spokesman Jon Allen. The breach caused about an hour delay for passengers.

"TSA was notified at approximately 12:50 p.m. that a Tampa International Airport Police explosive detection canine team training aid was unaccounted for in Airside C," according to a statement. "To ensure the safety of the traveling public, the decision was made to close Airside C while a thorough search for the aid was conducted. The training aid has been located and normal operations are resuming."

An FBI agent is found guilty of gun dealing. Codrea says has some serious questions about the case; also
...I can't help but think about other Americans taken from their families by an enforcement apparatus Shipley has been a part of—men like Wayne Fincher or David Olofson, who harmed no one, but who nonetheless ran afoul of edicts trampling a proscription that could not be more clear:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

What the hell have we allowed to happen to us?

Our 'most intelligent President EVAH!' seems to have some holes in his understanding of things like space travel.

Jerry Brown, you're either an effing moron or crooked as a dog's broken hind leg.

Damn, I used to like Gloria Estefan; now she's turned out to be another Obama ass-kisser.

Whether you agree with Rodger's chart or not, I think we can agree in saying that Bill Clinton is a sorry bastard with no regard for the truth and a liking for slander.

Bumper sticker hell, I want this on a shirt.

There's more, but some things Need Their Own Post, so...

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