Monday, April 12, 2010

The night's collection of idiocy, dirtbags and 'WTF?'

So NPR is made up of birthers, now?

What 'free speech' means in Canada: not very damned much.
The letter details what happened at Ms. Coulter’s last stop, in Calgary, just days after rowdy students at the University of Ottawa forced organizers to cancel her appearance there.

Though there was an obvious risk of a similar incident in Calgary—particularly after the Ottawa students’ intimidation tactics proved so effectives—according to Mr. Benoit, not only were police and campus security both unwilling to do anything to protect the free speech of Ms. Coulter and the other speakers, they warned the private bodyguards not to contain any aggressive behaviour “for any reason” or “we would be charged and face criminal prosecution."

If you don't believe him, how about Steve Paikin, who broadcasting a live episode of The Agenda from the University of Toronto with Ontario's finance minister as a special guest had to play bodyguard to the minister after a mob rushed the stage. “The police, I’m told, were urged not to intervene,” Paikin explained, “lest pictures of demonstrators being hauled off by the cops show up all over YouTube.”

That only raises a critical question: if the police won’t protect someone’s right to speak, who will?

Journalistic integrity: "We know the story was fake, but we believe it was mostly real."

Right-wing thugger- oops, make that 'Democrat Union Thuggery'.

Last, I don't know about senile, but apparently Justice Stevens is something of a friggin' idiot.

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