Sunday, April 04, 2010

Looks like the American Automobile Association is off my list

of companies to do business with.
I e-mailed him a link to the post and invited him to comment. He did so, but basically did nothing more than dance around the issue without answering the question.

I again e-mailed Mr. Townsend and asked him to clarify. He has, to date declined. I also CC'd another AAA Mid Atlantic Public Affairs official on that thread and invited clarification or a statement from him as well.


Finally, I placed a call to the national AAA Public Affairs Office (202-942-2050). The person I spoke to told me that the individual who could answer my question, Mr. Troy Green was out of the office that day but assured me that he would call me back. I left my number, but also got his direct number as well (202-942-2082).

Having not heard anything from him as of early this week, I called Mr Green's direct number but only got his voice mail. I left a message outlining my question, left my number and requested a callback.

Alas, I've heard nothing.
Dumb anti-gun owner statements and refusing to answer; people I don't want to give money to.

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