Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Let's start with the NC Capital Police, who should be

ashamed of themselves:
Organizers of a tea party event planned for Thursday at the state Capitol are unhappy they can’t carry flags on poles because of state officials’ fears that they could be used as weapons.

The prohibition applies to the American flag, North Carolina’s state flag or anything else carried on a pole more than a foot in length. Scott Hunter, chief of the State Capitol Police, said that the group will be allowed to carry tiny flags of the kind handed out at parades and Fourth of July events
Hunter, you're a tool in the worst sense of the word, and you suck.

Speaking of overreaction and stupidity from a cop, check this out. Dumb. And suing because the guy recorded the event? Far dumber.

MSNBC thinks a disgraced politician who's also a serious dirtbag is a good guy to have on? Fitting, for MSNBC.

More people discovering just what they helped elect; and they don't like it.

My my, they're just desperate to 'prove' the tea party people called Lewis bad things, aren't they? And they're willing to lie and cheat to smear people with the 'racist' brush:
New Hampshire Democrats are engaged in a statewide search for liberal activists willing to attend so-called tea parties on Thursday and carry signs expressing racist or fringe sentiments, a Democratic source with knowledge of the effort tells

According to the source, who sought anonymity for fear of reprisals, the Dems’ last minute scramble reflects a growing obsession among party leaders that they need to discredit the tea party movement soon or it will overwhelm them come the November election.

Former Democratic State Party Chairman Kathy Sullivan is heading up the search, the source said. Sullivan has been calling and e-mailing liberal activists trying to get them to attend tea parties in different parts of the state and hold signs denying the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate and make racially disparaging comments to reporters.

“This is Kathy’s [Sullivan] project,” the source told “She is absolutely obsessed with painting the tea party people as racists.”
Hey, New Hampshire, nice people you elected.

I'm off to take care of actual stuff, including buy groceries. Though some of the above is enough to ruin your appetite.

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