Saturday, April 03, 2010

A fine demonstration of why I don't give a rats ass about Mexican illegal aliens whining

about anything, and why I say the Mexican government can kiss my ass:
Zeke’s aunt, Jodi, related the Ruckers’ hellish experience transporting her nephew out of the violence-wracked country: “The air ambulance team is made up of ex-military men who have done evacuations out of many countries. They say that Cancun is one of the most difficult places to get out of. The air ambulance team when landed in Mexico was surrounded by military with guns drawn that then searched the plane.” The Ruckers hired a “handler” who “basically gives the Mexicans American cash for their plane to land and take off safely. It’s called ‘greasing the monkey.’ [Zeke’s father] was getting anxious because of the amount of guns/men surrounding the plane and the pilot told him not to worry because ‘they greased this monkey (plane) good.’ They were allowed to take off about an hour later. Corruption is abundant there.”

Adding to the emotional strain and bureaucratic headaches: The Mexican hospital that treated Zeke demanded up front payment for all of the costs related to his care, surgery, and stay before allowing him to leave. Can you imagine the international uproar if a U.S. hospital demanded the same of Mexican citizens in their care? The Ruckers’ insurer here in the States was able to change the terminology of Zeke’s airlift from “transport” to “evacuation” in order to cover those costs.
Full story at Michelle Malkin's place.
I will also state that the clowns in our State Department
Zucker’s New Jersey-based parents strongly suspect foul play and random violence. But the American consulate told the family there will be no investigation and Zeke’s parents say the Mexican police didn’t even bother to meet with them.
badly need to be on the list of 'tar & feathers as you're dragged out of that office' people.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I worked for the state department and always told myself if I was ever in trouble in a country I would head for an Australian Embassy rather then an American one.


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