Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Yes, I got the 'the census is coming' letter;

I like this idea:
Fully one-quarter of the space on this year's form is taken up with questions of race and ethnicity, which are clearly illegitimate and none of the government's business (despite the New York Times' assurances to the contrary on today's editorial page). So until we succeed in building the needed wall of separation between race and state, I have a proposal. ...

[W]e should answer Question 9 by checking the last option — "Some other race" — and writing in "American." It's a truthful answer but at the same time is a way for ordinary citizens to express their rejection of unconstitutional racial classification schemes. In fact, "American" was the plurality ancestry selection for respondents to the 2000 census in four states and several hundred counties.


  1. I was planning to just write "none of your business" over anything other than "how many people" questions.

  2. Anonymous1:38 PM

    In the last several Censuses (Censi?) I have listed whoever resided in my house and their race(s) as "Human". From now on it will be "American". My neighbor, and his wife, naturalized citizens, both born in Fiji, are listing their races as "American" as well. Having lived under a Totalitarian State they are very, very reluctant to put any hard information on paper, then turn it over to the Government. Many of their relatives did that in Fiji, a relatively civilised country. Most of those relatives are now dead. None of natural causes, many after weeks of torture.

    They have a totally American ingrained distrust of Government. He also appreciates and practices the Second Amendment.

    Gerry N.

  3. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I was born here. Doesn't that make me a Native American?

  4. I shredded it, but seriously considered sending a letter (post collect) to the sender with the following:

    I don't want to live in Russia, Korea, China, Thailand, Vietnam or Mexico - why the hell are you spending my tax dollars on printing this crap in the first place. This is the United States of America - English spoken here and y'all damn well should learn it.

  5. Keith7:30 AM

    In Britain, i think the law is:
    "you are what race you consider yourself to be"

    Go for it! who is anyone to say that your skin colour is not really blue. I'm that bloody cold, I'm blue at the moment!

    word ver is "mausto"

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