Sunday, March 28, 2010

Speaking of our miserable excuses for reporters in the major media,

In total, 57 U.S. troops were killed here during the first two months of 2010 compared with 28 in January and February of last year, an increase of more than 100 percent, according to Pentagon figures compiled by The Associated Press. At least 20 American service members have been killed so far in March, an average of about 0.8 per day, compared to 13, or 0.4 per day, a year ago.

The steady rise in combat deaths has generated less public reaction in the United States than the spike in casualties last summer and fall, which undermined public support in the U.S. for the 8-year-old American-led mission here. Fighting traditionally tapers off in Afghanistan during winter months, only to peak in the summer.
And while Bush was President the media weenies basically did a running count on every death, and lots of noise on wounded. Pretty much every day. Anybody heard them doing that with Obama? Me neither.
After a summer marked by the highest monthly death rates of the war, President Barack Obama faced serious domestic opposition over his decision in December to increase troops in Afghanistan, with only about half the American people supporting the move. But support for his handling of the war has actually improved since then, despite the increased casualties.
Yep. We actually want to WIN, which Obama lied about wanting. Of course, he delayed every day he could about making a decision, then cut the number of troops as much as he could, and set deadlines- literal in this case- for yanking the troops out, and so on.
The troop numbers have continued to rise in 2010 in line with the recent surge. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday that a third of the additional forces, or 10,000 troops, are already in Afghanistan. They plan to have all 30,000 troops in the country before the end of the year.
With no mention that, as I recall, there'll be units removed at the same time other units go in, which'll play hell with the situation, so Obama can play "I'm bringing the troops home!" The National Socialist Democrats would be having screaming fits if Bush did this, and the major media would be helping them.

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