Saturday, March 13, 2010

So, not only is Sean Penn a friggin' moron who idolizes tyrants,

he surrounds himself with like-minded asshats.
Jordan ended the interview, and publicly scolded the reporter outside of the media room. Jordan told the reporter that to keep her job, she needed to write a letter of apology to the Haitian ambassador. The publicity coordinator then threatened to have the reporter escorted out of the building by the police.

"You desecrated this sacred place," Jordan said.

The congregation's Rabbi Bruce Lustig attempted to take the reporter's recording device and delete the material. The reporter was approached by police and threatened to be escorted out, even though she responded calmly and exited quickly.

Ah, spring: the smell of real fascism in the air and celebutards and their buttmonkeys abusing people. No wonder Penn idolizes the bastard Chavez: he wants to be a commie tyrant too.

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