Tuesday, March 30, 2010

On the other hand, while the Big One might be excessive,

what about a moderate meteor strike in Los Angeles or San Francisco during one of these progressive rallies?

I'd like to ask a question of any Jews who happen to read my stuff: any idea why ANY Jew would give support to groups who carry signs like this?
And this?

And I do have to wonder if these morons have any understanding of the iron of this?

And WE'RE the 'violent, threatening' ones, yeah.


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Caption for the pic of how to stop wars:

    How to stop an idiot in his tracks; ask him to spell correctly and use proper punctuation.

    I'm just sayin'.

  2. Fat Balding Caver5:31 PM

    I'm one generation off the direct female line Jewish descent. I'm neither a practicing Jew, nor a Zionist collectivist, but here goes for laughs:

    Neuter brainless collectivists and racists of whatever stripe - it's all for the greater good you know...


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