Saturday, March 20, 2010

Note to police: if someone's getting in the way at a crime or arrest scene

and waving a camera around, you may well have reason to arrest them. When they're out of the way, not being a problem, but you just don't like having your picture taken, well, tough crap. If you're not doing something improper, you don't have to worry about it; if you ARE, then knock it off.


  1. Windy Wilson10:42 PM

    "If you're not doing something improper, you don't have to worry about it."

    For years, statist police have been saying that with regard to intrusive and unreasonable searches and seizures of ordinary citizens.
    Now, when it is somehow come to have the shoe on the other foot, it's a completely different matter. As is usual for statist goons.

  2. That was pretty much what I was thinking


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