Monday, March 08, 2010

Don't know about you, but this seems like a really REALLY crappy idea

Almost 1,700 people, also including car park attendants and dog wardens, already have powers to hand out a string of fines and even take photographs of low level offenders under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme.

But the Government has quietly announced it plans to review the scheme with chief police officers to see how it can be expanded further.
But a section buried in a recent Home Office neighbourhood policing strategy document read: "The Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS) is a powerful way for the police to work with partners and to make the most out of other people whose job is to keep their neighbourhoods safe by giving them a limited range of powers to tackle ASB (anti-social behaviour).

"The Government and ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officer) will review CSAS to see how it can be expanded to more forces and organisations."

Now, this has been bad enough in the past; but where it's going now?
A leaked document last month suggested one in five police officers could lose their job under cost-cutting measures.

Up to 28,000 officers would be replaced by civilian workers — saving hundreds of millions of pounds — under suggestions put to a Workforce Council meeting chaired by Acpo and involving the National Policing Improvement Agency, the Home Office-funded body responsible for finding efficiencies within the service.

The Daily Telegraph also disclosed that forces are losing thousands of officers by freezing recruitment and replacing them with volunteer special constables
So, if you defend yourself from an attacker, even in your own home, that's not tolerable and you'll likely go to jail; but they're going to do this?


  1. Keith3:08 AM

    It really is getting like a dysfunctional version of pre-1939 Nazi Germany

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    A civilian that can hand out a misdemeanor ticket, but not stop a violent crime in progress.
    How is this different then the current crop of "police"?
    I guess the city will save some money though, seeing as the civilians are volunteers (I call them out as "rats").

    As for all the tickets being handed out, in the name of "anti-social (socialist?) behaviour". . .Eventually EVERYONE will be a "criminal". Then where will be the respect for order and the rule of law? (Not that not-so-Great Britian deserves any respect now).

    I keep looking for and hoping that somewhere in amongst all the serfs and sheeple in GB, there are a few citizens that are tire fo being trampled on. ANd that there will be an uprising -- soon.

    B Woodman


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