Thursday, March 11, 2010

Back to starting things off with the latest Climaquiddick news

Like the fact that those 'other climate datasets' Jones said were independent and could be used to rebuild the data he destroyed, well, aren't.
Email messages obtained by the Competitive Enterprise Institute via a Freedom of Information Act request reveal that the climate dataset of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) was considered — by the top climate scientists within NASA itself — to be inferior to the data maintained by the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU).

The NASA scientists also felt that NASA GISS data was inferior to the National Climate Data Center Global Historical Climate Network (NCDC GHCN) database.

These emails, obtained by Christopher Horner, also show that the NASA GISS dataset was not independent of CRU data.
But the emails reveal that at least three of the four datasets were not independent, that NASA GISS was not considered to be accurate, and that these quality issues were known to both top climate scientists and to the mainstream press.

In a response to reporter Doyle Rice of USA Today, Dr. Reto Ruedy — a senior scientist at NASA — recommended the following:

Continue using NCDC’s data for the U.S. means and Phil Jones’ [HADCRU3] data for the global means. …

We are basically a modeling group and were forced into rudimentary analysis of global observed data in the 70s and early 80s. …

Now we happily combine NCDC’s and Hadley Center data to … evaluate our model results.

This response was extended later the same day by Dr. James Hansen — the head of NASA GISS:

Now here's a very important thing:
[For] example, we extrapolate station measurements as much as 1200 km. This allows us to include results for the full Arctic. In 2005 this turned out to be important, as the Arctic had a large positive temperature anomaly. We thus found 2005 to be the warmest year in the record, while the British did not and initially NOAA also did not. …

It should be noted that the different groups have cooperated in a very friendly way to try to understand different conclusions when they arise.

Extrapolate as much as 1200 km. Almost 750 miles. That's friggin' amazing, isn't it? No wonder it turns out these records are crap, especially as we've learned just how A: where some stations were set up and B: they reduced the number of stations, especially reducing those away from cities and heat island effects.

And so far as trusting our major media to give us the facts,
Further, all of this information regarding the accuracy and independence of NASA GISS data was directly communicated to a reporter from USA Today in August 2007.

The reporter never published it.

And over at Watts Up, some more on the Medieval Warm Period, and how/when the IPCC started playing with that record.

And the Evil Party holds true: got a dirtbag politician you want to protect, accuse anyone against him of being a racist. Yeah, that's a winner. You see, guys, there's this here innernet thingy, and it lets people spread word far and wide without your ass-kissing media or yourselves being able to stop it...

And one of the only saving graces of a bunch of the crooked bastards in the House & Senate is this:
The Senate language would prohibit illegal immigrants’ buying healthcare coverage from the proposed health exchanges. The House-passed bill isn’t as restrictive, but it does — like the Senate bill — bar illegal immigrants from receiving federal subsidies to buy health insurance.

Hispanic Democrats say they haven’t moved from their stance that they will not vote for a healthcare bill containing the Senate’s prohibitions.
"You have to give my illegal alien brothers and sisters free health care! Or we won't vote for your bill!" Wonderful, isn't it?

My first thought would be "Reagan's laughing his ass off", but for things like this he's probably right: he's chuckling. And possibly thinking "Joe, you're such an asshole."

Dammit, I need to clean this place. Again. More later, assuming I don't disappear.

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