Friday, February 12, 2010

The weather is shifting around again, which means I feel like a bear

that just woke up in spring: "Uh. Wha? It's that time?(groan...)" Which is somewhat tempered by some of the news, like Patrick Kennedy(Drunk Driving Liberal-RI) not running for reelection:
Rep. Patrick Kennedy has decided not to seek re-election to Congress, saying his life is "taking a new direction."
My first thought is YEAH! Second thought is Is he generally scared, or has he heard things indicating that RI has finally developed enough brains to get rid of him? Either way, bye bye, you arrogant bastard.

Further "Oh crap!" moment for the weenies,
Students, residents and community leaders will join together on Friday, February 12, to demand a fair and independent investigation of Michael Mann and Climategate. The University has a conflict of interest, and should not conduct an internal investigation without external oversight.
And about damn time; Mann and the university weenies trying to protect him and all that AGW money they've been getting must be having fits.

Well, the people of Californicated have a right to be mad at the idiots in the legislature; but they'd better reserve a large portion of anger for themselves, because they're the idiots who put these morons in office. Over and over and over.

Speaking of which, hey, North Carolina: you'd better do something about the progressive bastards running your schools. Into the ground. I've got a question for you folks: just how well- meaning 'accurately' and 'truthfully'- are these jerks covering this history in elementary and junior high? And if the answer is what I suspect, why are you putting up with it?

Right now, all I'll say about this battle beginning is that if we wind up with troops dead because of McChrystal's ROE not allowing them to fire when they should or get arty or air support when they need it, I hope they haunt him for the rest of his life. Or if troops fighting in some of the worst kind of conditions wind up being charged with crimes for not following the letter of those rules, for that matter; there's been far too much of that shit.
Added: more here at Mudville. And yeah, maybe I'm being too hard toward McChrystal; just after reading some of the previous accounts of consequences of the ROE I'm not feeling too tolerant.

No, I don't think Medina was set up; I think she got a question she didn't want to answer and tried to talk around it and let the cat out of the bag. Perry has some things I'm not wild about in his record, but we do not need a damned 9/11 truther- another one- in DC. No, I'm not in Texas and can't vote on this, I'm just stating opinion.

For that matter, was just listening to Glenn Beck, he says that during the interview they had people from Perry's campaign calling and raising hell along the lines of "Why are you talking to this woman, why are you giving her air time?" His response was basically "Screw you, I'll talk to and question anybody I want."

As to the 'trick' Pelosi wants to use to shove the socialized medicine bill through, if they do this then to hell with the tar and feathers, let's go straight to rope for a bunch of them. Lots of trees and lampposts in DC.

He does present a good question: all the journalists who didn't do their jobs during the elections, and have given aide and comfort to Obama & Co. since, will they actually start doing their job approaching the next elections? Or keep kissing up to the progressives and socialists and telling people looking for information "WE will tell you what (we decide)you NEED to know."?

That's it for now. Lots of stuff out there, but I need some aspirin. Maybe a fainting couch. Later, folks.

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