Friday, February 19, 2010

Two things to end the evening, both speaking of Obama & Co.

and dirtbaggery.

First, remember Holder not wanting to give the names of some of his 'Justice' Department buttmonkeys who'd worked for the terrorists/illegal combatants at Gitmo before going to the 'J'D?
In his response, Holder has given Grassley almost nothing. He says nine Obama political appointees at the Justice Department have advocated on behalf of detainees, but did not identify any of the nine other than the two, Katyal and Daskal, whose names Grassley already knew. "To the best of our knowledge," Holder writes,
during their employment prior to joining the government, only five of the lawyers who serve as political appointees in those components represented detainees, and four others either contributed to amicus briefs in detainee-related cases or were otherwise involved in advocacy on behalf of detainees.

Holder says other Obama appointees, like Holder himself, came from law firms which represented detainees but did no work on behalf of the terrorist prisoners. But other than Katyal and Daskal, Holder does not reveal any names of any Obama appointees, nor does he mention the cases they worked on.
And Ace notes that they can't claim "I recused myself!" because
They apply a fairly narrow notion of recusal and only avoid working on cases specifically about their own clients or Gitmo. But the people who worked to release Gitmo prisoners -- as their lawyers -- work on cases involving, for example, detention at Bagram airfield in Afghanistan. And almost all the same arguments and issues in such a case apply directly to Gitmo cases -- so yes, they have a continuing conflict of interest as they work to push policies that will get their clients sprung out of Gitmo.
Miserable, corrupt little bastards, aren't they?

Speaking of corrupt bastards, it seems Sen. Specter(Turncoat-PA) is getting offers from Obama & Co. to try to help him hold that seat:
A White House spokesman this morning strongly denied an offer had been made to Sestak. Before the spokesman issued the denial, a senior Pennsylvania Democrat said Sestak’s account was met with anger by White House officials yesterday.

After yesterday’s taping, Sestak said he recalled the White House offer coming in July, as he was preparing to formally announce his Senate candidacy in August. He declined to identify who spoke to him or the job under discussion. Sestak also would not say whether the person who approached him worked for the administration or was an intermediary for the offer
How desperate do you have to be to play games like this to try to keep Specter in office?
By the way, once again, Pres. Bush? Thanks for nothing for helping this bastard in the last election.

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