Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Two fine demonstrations of 'Politician should know what the hell he's talking about

or make sure not to lie when making a public statement. One from here,
Our increasingly-RINO Mayor hath sworn a solemn oath to slay the beastly notion of letting licensed citizens carry their guns in Indy parks, 'cos he's like, wanting to be a one-term mayor. Or maybe he feeeeeels guns are all creepy. (Um, I thought he was in the military. USMC? Oh $DIETY please no; but yes). Heck, maybe he'd just like to see me get stomped flat in a city park; who can say? Money shot quote from the Indy [pinko] Star:

“This never comes up in any forum I ever go to,” Ballard said of the issue. “I’m putting out what I hear from the people.”

Except there is a poll at the Star, presently running at 71% in favor of permit-holders being allowed to carry in parks (criminals already are -- why should they get special treatment?) and only 29% against the idea. The citizenry hath spake, Mr. Mayor, and they're sayin' you're full of it.

Your move, pal. The electorate's watching.
Oh, Mayor Ballard, you'd better believe they are!
The other is from Down Under:
"I'll give you an example: repeatedly in the AdelaideNow website one will see commentary from Aaron Fornarino of West Croydon. That person doesn't exist," Atkinson said on the air. "That name has been created by the Liberal Party in order to run Liberal Party commentary." This morning, AdelaideNow took great delight in posting a picture of Fornarino posing with a Mac and his young daughter. He's a second-year law student who moved to the area last year and "lives in a flat on Port Rd, about 500m from Mr. Atkinson's electorate office."

One made a dumbass statement, apparently from not checking to make sure he was right, the other I have a strong suspicion is lying. And both made the error.

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