Sunday, February 21, 2010

Remember the bitching about the Air Force ground controllers in Haiti

'not doing their job right'? Especially on the Doctors Without Borders portable hospital? Go here. This from the comments:
...Planes arrived without having asked for clearance. Planes arrived with loads that would take six or more hours to unload. Planes arrived when there was no room on the ground for them. Planes arrived without fuel to take off. Every single one of these problems were handled by the Air Force and the Haitians that they were working with.

One aircraft that landed the first day took six hours to fuel with the primitive facilities the airport had. The Air Force squeezed planes in for landings where they had bare feet on either wingtip.

According to the Air Force, the field hospital arrived without clearance and unloading it would have taken the airport out of service for hours
Kind of puts a new angle on all the bitching, doesn't it?

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