Tuesday, February 02, 2010

It's cloudy, but warmed up enough that things have been melting

all night(barely, but melting). Now, assuming it doesn't rain or snow(like the rain now predicted for tomorrow night), it'll only take a week or so for the ground to not squish when you step on it. Since it's too yucky to do anything out there(no, Tam, not heading to the range today, though it'd be nice),

If the Canadian socialized medicine system is so good, why is he coming here?
Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams is set to undergo heart surgery this week in the United States.

CBC News confirmed Monday that Williams, 60, left the province earlier in the day and will have surgery later in the week.

The premier's office provided few details, beyond confirming that he would have heart surgery and saying that it was not necessarily a routine procedure
Are they hinting that the system is good for 'routine' but not anything else? Did the doctor say "Get this done or you'll die, so head south"?

Insty links to McArdle on the socialized medicine meltdown. She says, among other things,
I don’t think it is actually true that trying to pass a bill people hate, and then thinking the better of it because it turns out the electorate hates it, is no different from trying to pass a bill people hate, finding out that they really, really hate it, and then ignoring them and pushing it through anyway.

Moreover, I am sort of amazed that anyone does think this
I'll suggest she's overlooking something: the burning-white-hot desire of the progressives in Congress to grab this power over the peasants. Some of these bastards would happily see the Democrat Party absolutely stomped in the next elections if they could just pass this and then spend the next years trying to keep the new Congress from getting rid of it. They Want This Power, and they're willing to shove it down our throats at any price; the only thing stopping them has been the Tea Parties making it absolutely plain to the elected reps that "You don't own that office, and we'll throw your sorry ass out of it." Which is also a sorry commentary on so many of said reps: they care so much about keeping their fat ass in that chair that they'll actually pay some attention to what their bosses say, which they should have been doing in the first place.

Well, well, it seems Jones was being even more conniving in pushing AGW than we already knew.
Phil Jones, the beleaguered British climate scientist at the centre of the leaked emails controversy, is facing fresh claims that he sought to hide problems in key temperature data on which some of his work was based.

A Guardian investigation of thousands of emails and documents apparently hacked from the University of East Anglia's climatic research unit has found evidence that a series of measurements from Chinese weather stations were seriously flawed and that documents relating to them could not be produced
Seems like an awful lot of documents and data has turned out to be 'lost' or 'unavailable' from these scientists.

What? Obama lied? Tax increases on people making less than 250k?

Whoda thunk it?(other than everyone who warned about it BEFORE the election)

Ah, Chicago, where only some Nobel winners are worth mentioning.

Remember that part about Obama being an amazing liar? It really is something how he'll look you in the eye(in many cases it's actually the teleprompter, but still) and flat lie.

Holder just does not want to answer the question: How many of the political appointees now in charge of terrorist detainee issues at the Obama Justice Department were, not too long ago, lawyers and activists working on behalf of those very detainees? Who are they? Have they removed themselves from cases involving their former clients?
And there's no good reason for him not to. Maybe, in this case, the expression 'feet to the fire' ought to be taken a bit more literally...

One more thing, but it deserves APOIO.

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