Thursday, February 11, 2010

If Biden was honest he'd say "Iraq is a success, despite

everything Obama and I did to screw it up." But now he's claiming I am very optimistic about — about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer.

Isn't it just wonderful how this became an Obama-Biden success all of a sudden? Miserable little bastard.

Dr. Helen links to a piece on the hook-up culture on campus. Which points out that an awful lot of the girls involved are basically acting like members of a harem. Which does bring up the question 'How does being used this way fit in with your image of being a strong, empowered woman?'

Kind of like a lot of his other promises, his "I won't raise your taxes if you make less than $250k!" promise wasn't worth the air used to speak it. Big surprise? You didn't listen during the campaigns, then, because people were warning about this.

Lots of stuff at Gateway today, including RWPP Sharpton & Co. playing the race card again(do they every actually stop?). This time, apparently not wanting to help Obama play games with a 'jobs' bill is equivalent to stopping civil rights legislation. Screw you, Sharpton, and your little buttmonkeys, too.

It started in Iran the other day, question is how bad will it get? I think the regime is holding out against those who want a Chinese solution, but they're still willing to beat and torture and murder(just not in large enough numbers to actually cause problems internationally I'm guessing is their standard).

So if you think the 10th Amendment actually means something, you're now a 'tenther'; isn't it wonderful being pigeonholed by the media? Especially since they have- of course- tainted it with racism? JWF hits on something I mentioned a few years ago: since the feds like to blackmail states with "If you don't do what we want, we won't let you have these highway funds(which are actually your money BUT WE HAVE THEM! HAHAHA!)", lets see a number of states say "Well, since those funds are our money in the first place, we'll just cut out the middlemen(and the percentage you stealkeep and keep the money here and put it directly into fixing the roads." The feds would have bloody screaming fits because they would lose the chance to steal a bunch of the money AND lose leverage to force states to do things, and it would get interesting; it would also make a very important point to the politicians.

He's right; you critize this new power grab you'll hear "You don't care about the CHILDRENNN!" from the usual suspects.

Why Obama's change of mind on 'obscene' bonuses? Because he's getting a cut.

If the Democrats do this, then the whole damned lot from Obama down should be tarred and feathered. At the very least. Which is a lot milder than what I really think should happen to a lot of them.

I agree, Obama just wants Stupid Party members there so he can blame them for his crap not passing, so don't give it to him. He wants a way to try to ignore the fact that he can't get all the Evil Party members to back his bill(because the people back home have said, in no uncertain terms, "You do this, and you're toast.") and make an end-run around all those pissed-off citizens.

Damn, there's a lot out there today. And left from yesterday.

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