Saturday, February 06, 2010

I shall now borrow, among others, from Denny

on the subject of Canadian health care:
Here's the deal. Ronald Reagan once pointed out that people voted with their feet. They went to where the best jobs are and where the living is better. That's why people are leaving Mexifornia and migrating to places like Texas. Texas is due to pick up four congresssional seats after the 2010 census. Georgia is gonna pick up at least one. People are leaving high tax and dying states like Michigan. Way to go unions!

But I digress. That's a rant for another day.

Mr. Williams' decision to leave Canada for the surgery has raised eyebrows over his apparent shunning of Canada's health-care system.

He knows that the Canadian system is not as good as ours.

"It was never an option offered to him to have this procedure done in this province," said Ms. Dunderdale, refusing to answer whether the procedure could be done elsewhere in Canada.
Either it couldn't, or the rules they follow would've delayed it so long he'd have died, probably; and deity knows they don't want to admit either one.

So the Chinese have figured out the IPCC is not worth trusting; maybe someday our media will start reporting this stuff fully.

Speaking of which, Insty pointed to this: two feet of globular warming expected. And here in Oklahoma they're predicting ANOTHER round on snow on Monday; this has been the worst winter, snow and ice-wise, I can remember in a LONG time. Somebody find Algore, we need to either lock him up somewhere or he can join the defenestration queue with the tax weenies.

When Sen. Gillibrand(Evil Party Backstabber-NY) decided to stab the people in her home district in the back, she really went to a big knife, didn't she?
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand will make a joint appearance at a forum next month with controversial lawyer Van Jones, who left the Obama administration last year amid outrage over his past remarks about 9/11.
Question becomes, did this slip past her puppetmaster Schumer, or did he think it was a good idea?

Keith Olbermann: devoid of fact, and nearly of viewers.

Well, well, Starbucks refused to roll over for the Brady Coalition to Ban Guns; good for Starbucks. And Peets Coffee & Tea and California Pizza Kitchen? If I lived there, you would've lost my business for this PC idiocy of yours.

To the EffingBI: screw you, you little statist thugs. It's none of your damned business what websites I look at, unless you have gotten a legal warrant to dig into it. One thing we do NOT need is another massive invasion of privacy by you people with the standard excuse "It's for the CHILDREN!" You wanting to force this record keeping so you can go on fishing expeditions? Screw you.

Well, here's a good reason to stay out of Omaha. Let's see, a "We'll do it no matter what state law says" prosecutor, a "I want to know what you own" police chief... Not a place I'd want to spend money.

Charles Johnson: wonderful little bastard, isn't he?

Jeez. And in most of Europe, owning arms for self-defense is highly discouraged... an awful lot of Jews must be getting pretty nervous over this crap.

McChrystal says things have improved; hope so, and hope it continues.

Wow, MSNBC slants the news and The Obama is full of crap; whoda thunk it?

Well, lots of whores don't like being called what they are, Landrieu, deal with it.

Now if you'll excuse me, got some running around to do

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