Wednesday, February 03, 2010

I guess this rates as "The dog ate the work, but it doesn't matter,

since a bunch of it was crap anyway."
But when Jones turned down requests from them to reveal details about the location of the 84 Chinese weather stations used in the study, arguing that it would be "unduly burdensome", they concluded that he was covering up the error.

And when, in 2007, Jones finally released what location data he had, British amateur climate analyst and former City banker Doug Keenan accused Jones and Wang of fraud.

He pointed out that the data showed that 49 of the Chinese meteorological stations had no histories of their location or other details. These mysterious stations included 40 of the 42 rural stations. Of the rest, 18 had certainly been moved during the study period, perhaps invalidating their data.

Keenan told the Guardian: "The worst case was a station that moved five times over a distance of 41 kilometres"; hence, for those stations, the claim made in the paper that "there were 'few if any changes' to locations is a fabrication". He demanded that Jones retract his claims about the Chinese data.

Now Phil Jones, the head of the CRU and his Chinese-American colleague Wei-Chyung Wang, from the University of New York at Albany are admitting that the data are lost. Even more damningly, the Guardian reports:

The story has a startling postscript. In 2008, Jones prepared a paper for the Journal of Geophysical Research re-examining temperatures in eastern China. It found that, far from being negligible, the urban heat phenomenon was responsible for 40% of the warming seen in eastern China between 1951 and 2004.

Lies and coverup from True Believers. Who were working very hard to affect how we'll be allowed(and that's what they want) to live our lives.

If you read the article, along with other stuff that's been coming out, you'll find that the Guardian and other papers are basically playing "Yes, they faked and lost data, but that doesn't change that we're warming the earth and disaster(might be, maybe) IS coming!" Talk about trying to have it both ways...

But the unpleasant fact is that these Brit papers are at least reporting on this mess, with most of our media seems to have an allergy to.

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