Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Globular warmering in action!

From Drudge:
25% of plows broken...
Seats at a premium on planes, trains out...
18 forecasted for Philadelphia...
14 inches of snow coming in Chicago area... Up to 1 Foot Expected In NYC...
Blizzard Rearranges Announcement of Feds New Global Warming Office...
College students charged with felony snowball throwing...

"In other news, the FBI denies that they have been given a 'shoot on sight' order for former Vice President Al Gore if seen in the DC area."

Ok, so I made that last part up

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    On another blog someone asked the question in light of the panic and general loss of mobility in DC and other urban East Coast areas, What would happen if the Russkis invaded?

    Like the old joke about the fella who got a snakebite on his butt asking his buddy what was gonna happen. The answer: "You gonna die."

    Looks pretty much like what's gonna happen on the East Coast. People there seem to be so badly in the NOLA mindset of being cared for at all times by "Da Gubmit" that instantly da gubmit has trouble distributing the Soylent Green the masses are accustomed to, starvation results.

    Good damn riddance.

    Gerry N.
