Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Before I head out, a few things to point to

John Yoo gets to point out- loudly- what a jerk AG Holder is, and what a pile of crap the OPR is.

“At a meeting on Monday of about 150 climate scientists in the quiet Turkish seaside resort of Antalya, representatives of the weather office (known in Britain as the Met Office) quietly proposed that the world’s climate scientists start all over again on a ‘grand challenge’ to produce a new, common trove of global temperature data that is open to public scrutiny and ‘rigorous peer review,” Fox News reported.
He. Snork. HAHAHAHAHAHA! And you'll notice the bastard flew to a seaside resort in Turkey rather than a telecomm meeting or something; apparently they're not worried about their carbon emissions.

As Insty says, what is it about these people and not paying taxes?

Michelle Malkin has more on AG Holder(Corrupt Politician & Lawyer-DC(God help us)) and his terrorist-supporting lawyers in the Justice Department.

Reciting the Pledge, yeah, that's funny as hell, isn't it?

Off to the range now; I hope this load works.

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