Monday, February 08, 2010

Ah, the joys of bloody winter

That was just before I went out; now the yard's got a nice smooth coat and they're saying anywhere from 2-5" by the time it stops.

By the way, to the clown in the Expedition on NW 39th: it's a three-lane street that was wet with some slushy spots, so it's actually permissible to drive more that 25mph. It really is.

1 comment:

  1. Yip, I spent longer than I'd planned in England last week because more snow was forecast, and I didn't fancy the long drive in it, or missing the ferry and spending nights in a B&B.

    The've more snow forcast this week.

    The AGW crowd can't argue it is a localised Europe and US thing:

    A friend who has family in North east China said that the oilfield city of Daqing (between north Korea and the Russian border) had recorded -40 celsius (also -40 F) - the lowest they've ever recorded in the 40 years or so the city has been there.

    normal temp there for Jan would be minus mid 20s C (around -13 F)cold enough!
