Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Woohoo, real Reasoned Discourse™

from the True Believers!
[ Update: June 3, 2009 - 8:44 AM ET: Talking Points Memo (TPM) has removed the article from their website. "The file you are looking for has not been found" - But the url with a portion of the chilling message lingers as evidence: "at-what-point-do-we-jail-or-ex..." - - Climate Depot has also saved a screen shot of the original article. Update: Washington Examiner weighs in: 'Hate sport': Is TPM poster simply lone fanatic? Excerpt: Poster "believes killing those who disagree with him politically is justified." Update: June 5, 2009: Talking Points Memo issues retraction for call to execute skeptics! -- 'A formal retraction and apology' -- Update: June 5, 2009: Joe Romm defends strangle skeptics in bed remark as 'not a threat, but a prediction' -- Strangle Skeptics in Bed! "An entire generation will soon be ready to strangle you and your kind while you sleep in your beds" ]

If you missed the original, here's what I posted.

Again, and they wonder why we own guns...

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