Sunday, January 24, 2010

Well, they think most of us are too stupid to pour water out of a boot

without them telling us how; and they know that most of the major media are still in the tank, so they think they can shove this crap through. Apparently they never heard of that innernet thingy Al Gore said he invented:
But now comes something really amusing. In an effort to win back the support of “fiscal moderates,” Obama yesterday endorsed the idea of creating a special debt and deficit reducing commission. But guess what, it wouldn’t convene until after next November’s election. In the meantime, he is counting on Democrats to muster enough votes to raise the federal debt ceiling further into the stratosphere of economic irresponsibility.

Politico quotes Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), the Senate Budget Committee chairman: “The president is demonstrating exactly the kind of leadership we need to tackle our nation’s long-term fiscal challenges.” Right! And you, Dear Reader, are Marie of Romania. No, Politico was correct when it suggested that Obama’s latest gambit “risks being seen as just a ploy to win over swing Democratic senators.” You bet it does. Any fool can see that. So what about the White House? Do they really think we’re too stupid to see what they are up to?

Yeah, the 'exact right kind of leadership' starts with causing Wall Street to tank again by going after banks, thus screwing lots of peoples retirement accounts and such, among other things. Conrad, you're an effing moron if you think we buy this crap as 'right-kind leadership'.

But then you are an Evil Party ass-kisser, aren't you?

As to that hit on Wall Street,
President Obama's latest attack on Wall Street -- his third in a week -- aimed at hemming in risk by keeping banks from making corporate bets with depositor cash, wiped out more than $66 billion in value from the country's eight largest banks in two days.

Investors raced for the exits last week after Obama unveiled his surprise new banking regulatory framework -- without providing much insight into exactly how it would shape the future of financial institutions.

One thing is certain -- if Obama succeeds, the profits of the banks will be crimped.

At the same time, critics charge, the moves will do little to prevent the exact thing the White House said it wanted to insure --keep the US economy from another meltdown

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