Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tam reminded me of Nanny Bloomberg & Co. and

damn near ruined my digestion. In part because Bloomberg is not only a socialist gun bigot, but a hypocrite
Under his watch, the city has declared sodium an enemy, asking restaurants and food manufacturers to voluntarily cut the salt in their dishes by 20 percent or more, and encouraging diners to “shake the habit” by asking waiters for food without added salt.

But Mr. Bloomberg, 67, likes his popcorn so salty that it burns others’ lips. (At Gracie Mansion, the cooks deliver it to him with a salt shaker.) He sprinkles so much salt on his morning bagel “that it’s like a pretzel,” said the manager at Viand, a Greek diner near Mr. Bloomberg’s Upper East Side town house.

Not even pizza is spared a coat of sodium. When the mayor sat down to eat a slice at Denino’s Pizzeria Tavern on Staten Island recently, this reporter spotted him applying six dashes of salt to it
Etc., etc., God-damned hypocritical bastard. I'll let the Reader put his two bits in:
The doctor is really hurt. He and the Gotham Health and Purity Patrol went to all the trouble of outlawing trans-fat so you'll look just like those 1938 Goebbels pictures of fit and happy Teutons. So what do you do? You eat salt. You imperil your heart. Unforgivably, you often actually enjoy food.

That leaves Dr. Farley no choice but to to sit on the food industry and demand that it cripple its products with low-salt or no-salt recipes. Then we can all enjoy salt-free bacon, peanut butter, Hormel chili, and kielbasa.

When someone clued the good doctor that raised bread comes from salted dough he agreed criminalizing salt did , errrr, present some problems...

Bull Shit. From a clapped-out bovine with syphilis. What you mean is "People aren't doing what we tell them to, so we'll do it this way and give them no choice", you miserable little tyrant wannabe.

Fuck you. And your arrogant hypocrite boss who thinks he's entitled to tell us how to live, and breathe, and work, and play. Take your intrusive, big fucking nose and stuff it back up your ass where your brain resides and leave us the hell alone. As Shaidle says, You're not smart enough to tell me how to live. So piss off(she doesn't say that part).

And, by the way, before you stuff your face back up your ass, take a look over here, and here. Then go here, go down to search and search 'salt' on the site and do some reading, jackass; your junk science insistence on 'salt is bad' is just as full of shit as you are. Now go away.

By the way, Doctor Farley, I make my chocolate chip cookies with BUTTER! And SALT! So go shrivel like the slug you are, and take your boss with you.

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