Sunday, January 24, 2010

Speaking of 'officers are supposed to ID themselves,

that's supposed to include SHOWING their ID, not just saying "I'm a cop, do what I say." Which is what I'm wondering about in this mess:
Police charged Jordan Miles, 18, with assault and resisting arrest Jan. 11 because, they said, he fought with the officers who thought a "heavy object" in his coat was a gun. It turned out to be a bottle of Mountain Dew.

Miles said he resisted because he thought the men were trying to abduct him and didn't identify themselves as police
The three officers involved insist they did, which is why I started this as I did: ANYONE can say "I'm a cop", or wear a jacket that says 'POLICE' on the back as they break into your home, so did they show ID or just say? Three guys with no uniforms or ID showing, just saying 'cop', I'd be worried too. And these injuries,
Miles' family and attorney said he was hit with a stun gun and hospitalized after the violent Homewood struggle during which a chunk of his hair was yanked out and a tree branch went through his gums.
make me wonder. I know all kinds of nasty can happen in a fight, but this is sounding a bit excessive.

I know I sound like I'm looking for fault; there's just been too much BS over the past few years for me to trust the cops the way I used to. Which is a sad thing to have to say.

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