Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Obama's people really don't like Inspectors General

who try to do their jobs, do they?
Key House Democrats are looking into whether White House officials attempted to thwart the law on government inspectors general.

Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) said late on Tuesday that they are concerned about potential actions by the Office of Management and Budget, led by Peter Orszag.

The members are looking at a situation detailed in a letter from the Office of Personnel Management's inspector general. Patrick McFarland, the inspector general, said his office received a "not so veiled threat from OMB" concerning his office's ability to comment to Congress about its proposed budget.
First thought: if a couple of Democrats are bothered enough about this to 'be concerned', this is a real problem. And about the level of integrity we've come to expect from this administration.

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