Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama: is there anything he can't do?

And seemingly get away with?
Obama quietly issues ruling saying it’s legal for the FBI to break the law on accessing phone records

Following the report earlier this week that the FBI regularly broke the ECPA law, in obtaining information from telcos without going through the proper process (and, in some cases using just a post it note!), some interesting details from the full report have come to light. The two key ones? First, “the Obama administration issued a secret rule almost two weeks ago saying it was legal for the FBI to have skirted federal privacy protections.” And, second, the original idea to use these bogus “exigent letters” didn’t come from the FBI, but from an AT&T employee

The RNS gent also points out one of the latest "We know what's good for you" pieces of crap from Britain. As he says, note #10.

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