Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nah, couldn't possibly be that they're doing dumb stuff,

it must be the voters are dumb!

So in Britain it's illegal to advertise for 'reliable and hard-working' people for a job...

I can't get the video to play, but if Obama's bitching that the press is against him, that's freakin' insane. A few 'journalists' finally start acting like reporters and he comes out with this?

Ok, when someone like this decides "The crap has to stop", the True Believers really have problems:
How hot is it getting in the scientific kitchen where they've been cooking the books and spicing up the stew pots? So hot, apparently, that Andrew Weaver, probably Canada's leading climate scientist, is calling for replacement of IPCC leadership and institutional reform.

If Andrew Weaver is heading for the exits, it's a pretty sure sign that the United Nations agency is under monumental stress. Mr. Weaver, after all, has been a major IPCC science insider for years. He is Canada Research Chair in Climate Modelling and Analysis at the University of Victoria, mastermind of one of the most sophisticated climate modelling systems on the planet, and lead author on two recent landmark IPCC reports.

For him to say, as he told Canwest News yesterday, that there has been some "dangerous crossing" of the line between climate advocacy and science at the IPCC is stunning in itself
Guilty conscience? CYA? Who knows? Glad Insty pointed to this

Is the socialized medicine bill dead? Is it still groaning? Does Obama still really want to be associated publicly with trying to shove this abortion of a law through?

So Airhead America sank because liberals and progressives are too sophisticated for talk radio? Yeah. Sure. Just keep after that chicken, Behar.

Got some stuff to take care of; this ends your morning blood-pressure test.

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