Wednesday, January 06, 2010

It should be noted that a lot of the Obama supporters

are just flat friggin' nuts
Now, the inquiry, the questions are being raised as to whether or not this is not a deliberate attempt to embarrass... ah, that's not quite a strong enough word, but let's start there, embarrass the Obama Administration - that there are forces at work in this country, and I believe this as surely as I put on my right shoe before my left - that there are forces alive who are very active, very wealthy in this country, at work in this country that want Obama to fail no matter what and the idea of killing 200 to 300 people on a jetliner in order to make the point is nothing. It means nothing.
Mike Malloy, kool-aid drinker and muffin-snarfer of Olympic level.


  1. Windy Wilson1:07 PM

    I think that's putting it rather mildly. This guy recognizes that it was a bad deed, and it couldn't have been done by anybody on HIS side, so he has to dive headfirst down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories to explain it to himself.

  2. Keith (pissed)5:18 PM

    By the simple evidence of campaign donations, I think he's at least partly right:

    "as surely as I put on my right shoe before my left - that there are forces alive who are very active, very wealthy in this country, at work in this country that want Obama"

    I don't know what the hell they want him for though

    -perhaps they just like the look of him in a sharp suit and the sound of him reading a tele prompter-

    I really don't know, I'm guessing.

    ps the word verification says "enablyt" what that has to do with the timing of the next earthquake in guatemala I don't know -just thought I'd say
