Friday, January 22, 2010

It seems like a pretty simple question.

Who made the decision to charge Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the accused terrorist arrested for trying to blow up a Northwest Airlines jet on Christmas Day, as an everyday criminal, as opposed to an enemy combatant?

After all, Abdulmutallab was trained by al Qaeda, equipped with an al Qaeda-made bomb, and dispatched by al Qaeda to bring down the airliner and its 278 passengers. Even though the Obama administration has mostly abandoned the term "war on terror," the president himself has said clearly that the United States is at war with al Qaeda. So who decided to treat Abdulmutallab as a civilian, read him the Miranda warning, and provide him with a government-paid lawyer -- giving him the right to remain silent and denying the United States potentially valuable intelligence that might have been gained by a military-style interrogation?

It IS a simple question; the problem is nobody involved has the integrity or balls to say "I did".

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    There are charging papers, right? At or near the bottom there is the name of the charging agency and a signature, right? Why doesn't someone look at them and tell us what is written there?

    These clowns are going to keep it up until the gunfire begins.

    Gerry N.
