Saturday, January 30, 2010

It finally stopped snowing last night,

having dumped what appears to be a good five inches in my yard. And driveway. And walk. And porch. Between the ice and snow, the holly trees are pretty weighted down. Added to by probably fifty pounds of bird each, hiding away inside.

Speaking of which, I need to break the worst off the feeder
and put some feed out.

We got off easy compared to areas south & west, and a couple of years ago for that matter. Couple of years ago my spinner hanging from the carport was coated with ice and had icicles 8-10" long hanging down; there's none on it this time. Areas south & west got enough ice to break both trees and utility poles, like we got that couple of years back in this area.

Hot damn, the sun just broke through the clouds! It's supposed to hit upper 20's today, that and sunlight will do a lot of melting. Won't be able to tell that much on the city streets, especially side roads, but main roads and highways ought to do a lot of clearing.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go break the global warming off the feeder before the birds start trying to open the windows.

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