Tuesday, January 12, 2010

If the Brits had already converted to 'green energy' sources

they'd REALLY be screwed:
The vast programme of wind turbines for which the bills are now coming in will not, by the way, avert the energy cut-offs declared last week by the national grid. Quite the opposite: as is often the case, the recent icy temperatures have been accompanied by negligible amounts of wind. If we had already decommissioned any of our fossil-fuel power stations and replaced them with wind power, we would now be facing a genuine civil emergency rather than merely inconvenience.
Yeah, that would be a spot of bother, wouldn't it?

The gentleman also notes another problem with the 'carbon reduction' crap:
There are other portents of impending crisis caused entirely by the political fetish of carbon reduction. As noted in this column three weeks ago, the owners of the Corus steel company stand to gain up to $375m (£234m) in European Union carbon credits for closing their plant in Redcar, only to be rewarded on a similar scale by the United Nations’ Clean Development Mechanism fund for switching such production to a new “clean” Indian steel plant. That’s right: the three main British political parties — under the mistaken impression that CO2 is itself a pollutant — are asking us to vote for them on the promise that they are committed to subsidise the closure of what is left of our own industrial base.
Which is exactly what Rep. Waxman(Progressive Tyrant Straining At The Ropes-CA) wants to do to us.

Pointed to by the Random Strikes guy; go get his take on the idiocy coming out of the Met on this.

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