Friday, January 29, 2010

I am now officially Sick Of Winter

I'm thawing out from my last 'clear the walk & driveway' session. Since the previous session, by a ruler, there's been another two inches of this globular warmering crap fall.

I may have to hitch Security Staff to a sled. If I can get her out of the doghouse.


  1. Rofger5:08 PM

    Brotherman, that is precicly why I fled new jersey 10 years ago for south Florida. Since then, I have endured many different jobs, (after 25 years with the same company) less pay, and surely less employment security. BUT, I have not scraped a windshield, shoveled snow, payed a heating oil bill, or frozen my a$$ off. I dive year round and the top of my elderly Jaguar 120 has not been erected more than 6 times in 10 years.


  2. I've had about all the global warming I can use this year; there's about 4 inches of it outside right now. Thanks a lot, Algore. And Bin Laden.

  3. Rofger, I've half thought about moving south. It's a tradeoff: milder winters vs. worse summers.

    But on days like this...
