Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Global warming and the ice is all melting

my ass.
Winter Could Be Worst in 25 Years for USA...
Britain's big snow shuts cities...
Elderly burn books for warmth?
Army drafted to rescue 1,000 snow stranded motorists...
Vermont sets 'all-time record for one snowstorm'...
Iowa temps 'a solid 30 degrees below normal'...
Seoul buried in heaviest snowfall in 70 years...
3 die in fire at Detroit home; power was cut...
Midwest Sees Near-Record Lows, Snow By The Foot...
Miami shivers from coldest weather in decade; Florida Gov Signs Emergency Order ...
Cold snap spurs power rationing in China...
This is the list at the top of Drudge today. Much like yesterdays and the day before and tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Keith5:31 PM

    Walked to the pub tonight - my car has a 2 inch hole in the sump (my own fault) and SWMBO is in a B&B 7 miles away.

    Ireland grinds to a halt on 2" of snow.

    Oh for that tropical climate and beach lifestyle that al gore was promising us...

    You know, it's strange:

    If 2 degrees C warmer is such a bad thing, why don't holiday brochures show pictures of Greenland?

    I mean, I've been skiing, and girls look pretty good in cold weather gear too, so why the palm tree and coral reef?
