Wednesday, January 20, 2010

By the way, be it known that Harp on tap

beats the shit out of Harp from a bottle


  1. Anonymous1:36 AM

    In the Puget Sound basin there is a metric crapperload of brewpubs. Some have as few as five on-tap brews at a time, and some as many as 50. It's all for on-premises consumption, and most have a pretty decent food menu as well. The brews change with the season and the whim of the brewmaster in whichever place you're in. There's one local to me, about a mile away by twisty turny roads that has some really astonishingly good ales, stouts, lagers and pilsners and a Root Beer that is as difficult to describe as is sex. Saying that it's good kinda misses some details. And it's Root Beer for cryin' out loud.

    Gerry N.

  2. I'd say that pretty much anything on tap is better than bottled.

  3. @ the pistolero...

  4. Brewed root beer is brilliant.

    Even the macro-brew at BJ's, or the bottled Kemper or Weinhard's (if they still make it) is brilliant compared to, say, A&W or Barq's.

  5. There are several microbrewery/pubs in the area; they do a very big business.

  6. Titan Mk6B5:43 AM

    They still make Weinhard root beer. I had some last summer and it is indeed brilliant. I want more but I cannot find it in Tulsa.
